House Painting Contractors
Reliable, Affordable, and Overall High-Quality Painting Services.
Do you need seasoned house painting contractors to work on your next home or business improvement project?
Call AC Painting & Remodeling, what are you waiting for! We are now serving the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. Honesty and quality of service that the American citizen deserve are exactly what you can expect from this company.
Local House Painting Contractors
Do you have the right colors in mind, but do not know where to start?
AC Painting & Remodeling is a local company made up of professional painters in and around Gaithersburg, MD. Environment and the climate changes can cause strain on your property, so choosing the right interior and exterior paints are important.
Nowadays, finding a company that has the experience that we have but still manages to be considerate of your budget in Maryland, in the District of Columbia, or Virginia is difficult to do. Have no fear, AC Painting & Remodeling is here!
Planning Your Home Improvement Project
Color inspiration can be found just about anywhere; from your favorite cushion or pair of shoes to brightly-colored flowers in your garden.
With us, you will have the peace of mind that at your side you will have a team with more than 20 years of experience. Not only that but we give you 2 years warranty on our projects. And, we will amaze you with the best service of your kind, including cleaning at the end of each working day. Best of all, we focus on making your home painting experience as pleasant as possible.
Innovative House Painting Contractors
Our modern and warm residential painting services include paying close attention to the walls that we will cover in the color of your preference. We also repair, install and remove stucco wallpaper, as well as replace drywall, because we know that it is wrong to paint over a damaged surface.
Additional House Painting Services include paint, varnish or stain of exterior and interior surfaces, and also single items.